I saw this article and had to share it. Not only does he tell you what foods he does eats, he also lists what he avoids which might be even more important. Bernando LaPallo goes for a walk every day and has never been sick a day in his life. He tires to eat organic foods. As of August, 2o14, he’s 113 years old and has the body of an eighty year old. He claims he modeled his life after his father who was a doctor that lived to the age of 98 years old.
According to Bernardo’s website (yes he has a website), he says
“I feel great,” he says. “I feel wonderful. It’s all about obedience and moderation. That’s the story. The key to my success has been obedience and moderation. I have been doing everything my daddy told me to do all these years. Obedience is the key. Moderation is the back up.”
After Bernardo turned 110, a news station interviewed him to ask what his top 5 foods were for staying young and healthy.
Bernardo’s Top 5 Foods
1.) Garlic
2.) Honey
3.) Cinnamon
4.) Chocolate
5.) Olive Oil
While Bernardo doesn’t go into why these foods are so great for your health, we thought we would expand on the health benefits of each.
Health Benefits of Garlic
Garlic – While not readily known garlic is ant -parasitic. Meaning it has the ability to kill parasites that live and feed on the body. 99% of humans have parasites regardless if they are seen or not. They feed on your system, weaken the immune system and make humans susceptible to disease.
Garlic is low in calories and very rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin B6 and Manganese. It also contains trace amounts of various other nutrients.
Garlic supplementation helps to prevent and reduce the severity of common illnesses like the flu and common cold.
High doses of garlic appear to improve blood pressure of those with known high blood pressure (hypertension). In some instances, supplementation can be as effective as regular medications.
Garlic has known beneficial effects on common causes of chronic disease, so it makes perfect sense that it could help you live longer (source).
The Benefits of Honey are endless but these are our top 3
Honey is great for colds and coughs
Honey is a demulcent, which is a substance that relieves irritation in your mouth or throat by forming a protective film.5
Research shows honey works as well as dextromethorphan, a common ingredient in over the counter cough medications, to soothe cough and related sleeping difficulties due to upper respiratory tract infections in children.6
Honey acts as an antibacterial for wounds and burns
Honey has antibacterial, antifungal, and antioxidants activities that make it ideal for treating wounds. In the US, Derma Sciences uses Manuka honey for their Medihoney wound and burn dressings.
Honey reduces the symptoms of Allergies
Locally produced honey, which will contain pollen spores picked up by the bees from local plants, introduces a small amount of allergen into your system. Theoretically, this can activate your immune system and over time can build up your natural immunity against it.
The typical recommendation is to take about a teaspoon-full of locally produced honey per day, starting a few months PRIOR to the pollen season, to allow your system to build up immunity. And the key here is local (source).
The Health Benefits of Cinnamon
Heart Health – Spices like cinnamon and tummeric have the ability to off set the affects of high fat meals. In a study, participants were given 2 tablespoons of oil, then their triglycerides were tested.
Blood samples drawn after meals revealed that in addition to 13% higher blood antioxidant levels, the spices reduced triglycerides by about 30%.
Blood Sugar Regulation
If you’ve been following along with the site, you might have realized that blood sugar is the key to keeping your weight down over the long haul. Cinnamon has the ability to keep blood sugar levels low. This could be a key factor in helping those who struggle with diabetes.
In the study, 22 obese volunteers with prediabetes were divided randomly into two groups. One was given a placebo, the other a dose of dried water-soluble cinnamon extract twice a day, along with their usual diets. Fasting blood samples collected at the beginning of the study, and after six and 12 weeks revealed that the cinnamon extract improved antioxidant status, and helped reduce blood sugar levels.
Health Benefits of Chocolate
A Healthier Heart
The latest research backs up claims that chocolate has cardiovascular benefits: In a 9-year Swedish study of more than 31,000 women, those who ate one or two servings of dark chocolate each week cut their risk for heart failure by as much as a third.
Happier Kids
Women who ate chocolate daily during their pregnancy reported that they were better able to handle stress than mothers-to-be who abstained.
Fitness Tip – Keep in mind that the property that attributes to “Heart health” and “Stress management” all comes from the Magnesium within the chocolate ; )
Health Benefits of Olive Oil
Heart Health and Blood Vessel Health
One of the key polyphenols in olive oil—hydroxytyrosol (HT)—helps protect the cells that line our blood vessels from being damaged by overly reactive oxygen molecules. HT helps protect the blood vessel cells by triggering changes at a genetic level. The genetic changes triggered by HT help the blood vessel cells to enhance their antioxidant defense system. In other words, olive oil supports our blood vessels not only by providing antioxidants like like vitamin E and beta-carotene. Olive oil also provides our blood vessels with unique molecules like HT that actually work at a genetic level to help the cellular walls of the blood vessels remain strong (source).
One of the foods that he was told to avoid was the all too common, red meat!! His dad told him it was ok to eat lamb but to keep his intake of red meat low.
It’s clear that Bernardo’s dad was very accurate All of these foods have huge positive affects on health. Make sure you write these down or post this article on your facebook so you don’t forget to add them to your routine.
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