Swimsuit season is coming… are you ready? If you’ve been working out all winter in preparation, that’s awesome! However, if you’re just now coming out of hibernation and need a little help, then these shoulder exercises are for you. (Added bonus: all of these exercises can be done at home with dumbbells!)
1. Front Dumbbell Raises
Muscles worked: Front Deltoids
- Stand with two dumbbells over your thighs.
- Bend your arms slightly, while contracting your deltoids, and powerfully raise the dumbbells straight out in front of your body.
- Hold for one to two seconds then slowly lower back down to the bottom.
Fitness tips: Alternate arms one after another to further isolate the individual shoulder caps.

2. Reverse Dumbbell Flies
Muscles worked: Rear Deltoids
- Grab two dumbbells and bend over so that your torso is at a 45º angle while keeping your back straight.
- Powerfully raise both arms directly out to the side, squeeze your shoulder blades together at the top of the motion. Your arms should stay in-line with your chest.
- Hold the contraction for one to 2 seconds at the top and slowly return down to the bottom.
Fitness tips : Squeeze and hold the contraction at the top of the motion for 2-3 seconds to activate your rear deltoids even further. Keep your stomach muscles tight to support your back and prevent rounding of your spine.
3. Dumbbell Shoulder Shrugs
Muscles worked: Traps
- Stand with two dumbbells at your side.
- Tighten your core, draw back your shoulders, and powerfully shrug up into your neck.
- Squeeze the contraction for one to two seconds and slowly lower all the way down.
Fitness tips: Turn up the burn by exaggerating the squeeze at the top of each rep and hold the final rep for as long as possible.
4. Lateral Raises
Muscles worked: Lateral Deltoids
- Stand with two dumbbells.
- Keep your arms straight (with a slight bend in the elbow) and raise both dumbbells straight out to the side until they reach shoulder height. Your body should form a big “T.”
- Hold for one to two seconds at the top of the motion and slowly lower the weights back down.
Fitness Tips: Try to stop the movement once you make the “T.” Going too high can lead to pinched nerves in the shoulder joints.

5. Lunging Shoulder Press
Muscles worked: Shoulders (All) and legs
- Hold a dumbbell with your left arm and lunge forward with your right leg. This is your base position, stay balanced and anchored.
- Maintain a tight core and powerfully lift the dumbbell overhead.
- Hold for one to two seconds and slowly lower it back down to your shoulder. Do a full set and repeat for the opposite side. Press from the down position at all times.
Fitness tips: This is designed as a stationary press. Make it more advanced and movement based by doing a full lunge and THEN a press for every rep.
Try to incorporating these shoulder exercises into your weekly workout, if you haven’t already. Just remember, with every muscle group you work, you will be one step closer to your goal. Most full routines incorporate shoulders 1 -2 times a week. If you are in a hurry to see results, try adding this twice a week with at least one day of rest in-between.

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