If you’re board with your ab routine then here are some basic things you can do to challenge yourself in new ways.
1.) Slow It Down – Research shows that it’s not the number of crunches you do, but HOW LONG it takes you to do them that makes the difference. Try doing your crunches or ab exercises slower.
2.) BREATH – The average person holds their breath while doing crunches. This is ALL WRONG. In order to get the most out of your ab routine, you should breath out when you crunch (or contract your abs). This helps you to get that extra squeeze at the top for better results faster!
3.) CIRCUITS are your friend. Take your favorite ab exercise and preform 3-5 exercises in a row without stopping! Do the whole round before resting and then repeat.
4.) ADD WEIGHT. Adding a dumbbell or medicine ball to your standard crunch can make all the difference in the world. Start off with light weight, then build up as you get better.
5.) DON’T FORGET THE LOVE HANDELS (or obliques). You will be amazed at how much a simple twisting motion can do for your physique! Add twists to your favorite exercise for those pesky love handle areas.
If you really want true results then make every crunch count! This will ensure that you will get stronger, leaner abs.
Adria Ali
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