The traditional lat pull down which works your back and biceps can get pretty boring after a while. This alternative to the pull down helps you focus more attention on the middle of your back to help improve your posture while burning tons of calories. Don’t be scared, if done correctly, this move has the ability to work both the upper and lower back safely.
Choose a weight that you’re sure you could get 12 reps with on a normal close-grip pulldown. Attach a V-grip handle to the cable, grab it overhead, and sit at the pulley station with your torso upright and eyes focused in front of you
1. Arch your back and pull the handle down to your collarbone
2. Now, keeping your hands where they are, slowly lean back so that your torso is almost parallel to the floor. Pull the bar to your chest (as in a row)
3. Return to the starting position by slowly raising your arms and torso up simultaneously. That’s one rep. Perform three sets of eight to 10 reps first thing in your upper-body workout. Between sets, rest 60-90 seconds.
While it may at first look like bad pulldown form and a sure backbreaker, this combo safely works every muscle in the back, accomplishing both of the back’s main function and broadening it in every direction.
You do this exercise in a controlled fashion. No swinging is allowed!!! Remember to keep your abs (core) tight to support your spine as you contract the back muscles.
Adria Ali
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