There are 2 types of muscle fibers. One type is endurance while the other is used for power. When you workout with weights the typical muscle fiber used is endurance if you are doing a greater amount of repetitions. However, the tables can be turned very quickly if you decide to make that particular exercise a power move.
Why do power moves and plyometrics?
Doing thing that change which muscle fiber you are using turns up the heat in your routine. I have seen average house wives transform their physique by just adding 2 or 3 power moves into their workout. This increase in calorie burning and the variation in the routine, shock your body into changing and losing body fat more quickly. Experienced trainers and celebrity trainers know this and they use it to their benefit to get clients the best results in the shortest amount of time!
An Easy Way To Add It To Your Routine:
You can add power moves into your routine in several different ways. One of the easiest ways is to simply change the rate at which you do your repetitions. For example…. A normal squat or leg press can be altered by changing the rate at which you push the weight. For a squat.. on the way down do a count of 4 seconds. By the end of the 4 seconds you should be at the bottom of the squat. THEN take ONLY 1 second to push the weight to the top. Do not lock your knees at the top of the repitition!
This simple move can change the intensity of your workout in an instant and change your body at a much fast rate!
Also Try Adding Plyometrics.
These simple jumping routines may seem like childs- play, yet they get your heart rate up and send your calorie burning through the roof! See tha animation below for some fun activities to help you lose fat loss!
Split Squat Jumps
1. Stand with feet hip width apart. Take left leg and step back approximately 2 feet standing on the ball of back foot.
2. Feet should be positioned at a staggered stance with head and back erect and straight in a neutral position.
3. Lower body by bending at right hip and knee until thigh is parallel to floor then immediately explode vertically.
4. Switch feet in the air so that the back foot lands forward and vice versa.
Prior to takeoff extend the ankles to their maximum range (full plantar flexion) ensure proper mechanics
Tuck Jumps
1. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, with arms at sides.
2. Jump up bringing knees up to chest.
3. Land on balls of feet and repeat immediately.
4. Remember to reduce ground contact time by landing soft on feet and springing into air
1. Jog into the start of the drill for forward momentum.
2. After a few feet, forcefully push off with the left foot and bring the leg forward. At same time drive your right arm forward.
3. Repeat with other leg and arm
4. This exercise is an exaggerated running motion focusing on foot push-off and air time
Bounding with Rings
1. Jog into the start of the drill for forward momentum.
2. After a few feet, forcefully push off with the left foot and bring the right leg forward. At same time swing left arm forward and land into the first ring, which is 3-4 feet out and to the left, with the right foot.
3. Continue and repeat with other leg and arm into the second ring, which is now 3-4 feet up and to the right.
4. This exercise is an exaggerated running motion focusing on foot push-off and air time
Box Drill with Rings
1. Stand with feet slightly wider than hip-width apart with your body facing the first ring.
2. Hop forward using both feet and land in first ring.
3. Now hop to the left and land in the ring to the side. Now jump backwards to land in ring behind you. Finish by jumping to your right to land in final ring.
4. Rest and repeat. Remember to keep ground contact time between bounds to a minimum.Hurdle Jumps
If you a big event or you have hit a plateau then you definitely need these exercises in your routine! Make every minute in the gym count by using these during your resting periods! You’ll thank us within 2-3 weeks
Adria Ali
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