If you feel like you haven’t been your healthiest self lately, it may be due to timing. The timing I’m talking about is your circadian rhythm, or your internal clock. Your circadian rhythm is critical to your health. When it’s properly controlled, you sleep well, have more energy throughout the day, and lower risk of chronic disease decreases. Sleep is also a pivotal ingredient for weight loss and body fat reduction.

“The body’s ability to respond dynamically to its environment and intuit when it needs to move or be still based on a ‘memory’ of what it has been doing leads to what researchers consider to be a healthy circadian rhythm. They found the patterns in young people similar to those in young animals, indicating there is a biological drive to the way we move(source).”
Why is your internal clock so important? This clock also helps you avoid unwanted body fat.
So how do you control your rhythm? Take a look at these helpful tips for controlling your timing so you can maximize your fitness results:
1. Absorb sunlight during the day and avoid blue light at night
Getting just 15 minutes of sunlight a day can help the normal production of melatonin for you at night. Melatonin is a naturally occurring hormone that assists you in your sleep cycles. Avoiding blue night 45 minutes before bedtime will also aid in resetting your internal clock. Blue light occurs in things like cell phones and computers.
2. Get your stress under control
Perhaps you’ve heard of cortisol? This “stress hormone” can also upset your circadian rhythm. It also is a major cause of belly fat. Try meditation or a calming bath to reduce stress during your day.
Read our previous article on controlling cortisol here.

3. Get enough sleep
Avoid sugar before bed by putting down the sugary food options, instead, brush your teeth and only allow yourself to have water, and no food, after a certain time at night. Also, eliminate or reduce caffeine intake. Caffeine is surprisingly in a lot of items, just be wary, and try to avoid that second (or even first) cup of coffee. You’ll thank me later.
4. Exercise!
Getting 30 minutes of moderate activity each day, preferably in the morning, will help melatonin production at night. Morning workouts help wake you up and put you in the right mindset for your day, whereas, night workouts will delay melatonin production and keep you awake longer. However, if you normally workout at night, you’ll be fine because your body has adjusted to the timing of your workout. Perhaps try some morning workouts and see how that affects your sleep?
5. Regulate your blood sugar
Melatonin and cortisol are two hormones that are sensitive to drastic changes in blood sugar. Avoid high glycemic index foods that will send your blood sugar levels skyrocketing.

6. Be outgoing during the day and a hermit at night
Being social during the day is great, but winding down at night is optimal for resetting your internal clock. It’s okay to skip out on a late night party, just think of the amazing beauty rest you’ll get instead!
We hope these tips find you well and that you will get that much needed internal clock reset. Let us know about your triumphs and struggles with your internal clock!
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