Olive oil and flax seed have been praised for years on their healing, and antioxidant properties. However, coconut oil has been overlooked! Coconut oil is rich in MCT oil or (medium chain triglycerides). MCT oil has been used for years by professional body builders. The body converts MCT oils into a pure energy source, while keeping you full.
The MCT oil mimics the mother’s milk…. maybe that’s a turn off when you think about it. However, mother’s milk has tremendous healing powers! Not only that, MCT oil has the ability to raise your metabolism!! Everyone needs that!
Here Are The Facts About Coconut Oil :
- Increases metabolism and helps people lose excess weight.
- Kills bacteria that causes, ulcers, throat infections, and urinary tract infections.
- Kills fungus and yeasts that cause candidiasis, ringworm, athlete’s foot, thrush, diaper rash, and other infections
- Provides a direct source of energy for endurance during workouts and sporting events.
- Improves digestion and absorption of vitamins, proteins and minerals.
- Improves and reduces affects of diabetes.
- Helps protect against osteoporosis
- Improves digestion and bowel movement
- Decreases inflammation
- Helps to recover muscles and tissues
- Improves and aids in immune system function
- Protects the body from colon, breast, and other cancers
- Helps to improve cholesterol ratios
- Protects arteries against injury and heart disease
- Works as a “protective” antioxidant
- Helps to relieve symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome
- Helps to protect against kidney disease, bladder infections and dissolves kidney stones
- It possesses lower calories then all other fats!
- Supports thyroid function
- Reduces symptoms associated with skin diseases
- Does not produce harmful toxins (like other oils) when heated
- Keeps your blood sugar level so you don’t have peaks and lows in your energy level.
- MCT oils help to support healthy thermogenisis ( The process of producing energy at the cellular level).
* Many of these key points were referenced from JNL a leading fitness guru.
Adria Ali
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