It becomes increasingly evident that we should work on our core muscle and flexibility as we age. The world has evolved and so has fitness. With it, comes a new twist on yoga. This fun, challenging and creative yoga class combines everything you need to get a great workout and increase your flexibility! Watch the video below and get sucked into how neat this class is!
The anti gravity class uses the hammock to aid in decompression of joints while allowing you to do specific movements that would otherwise be too advanced. The combination of Pilate’s, dance, and calisthenics.
“AntiGravity Yoga is revolutionary. When taught and performed accordingly, the technique, which is broken down to simple progressions, gives a cardiovascular workout with low impact while strengthening the musculo-skeletal system. It was challenging and exciting for my brain and body to move in 3D with endless possibilities of positions and shapes. It lengthens the muscles providing unique and effective flexibility stretches and lubricates the joints with mobility exercises. It allows for safe inversions that decompress the spine allowing a sense of space between the vertebral segments. I would definitely incorporate it into my fitness routine. Best of all, it’s fun to do!” — Marika Molnar, President of West Dance Physical Therapy and Director of Physical Therapy services to the NYCityBallet (source)
If you are looking for this class, it is generally offered at “Crunch” gyms near you. In California, you can find it in LA and San Francisco. To Find one near you visit the Anti Gravity site.
Adria Ali
lucky mirada says