Did you eat what’s in the picture above yesterday…and 3 other types of desserts as well?! Yup, so did I. So instead of today being the infamous Black Friday, today is DETOX FRIDAY!
We are going to detox from all of that sugar and you know what? It’ll be easy!
I know, I think detox and I think bed ridden, sweating and not eating. This detox encourages eating, just clean eating. Really clean.
I knew today I would be hung over from sugar so I started researching this week and I found a book that was the easiest sugar free detox out there.
So basically in the “Sugar Detox” you:
1. Eat no sugar!(Duh)
2. You can drink coffee, black, sans sugar.
3. You do NOT eat any starchy carbs whatsoever.
4. Eat mostly protein and vegetables.
5. You do eat snacks, but only hummus or nuts.
Oh, I forgot to mention this is a 3 day detox.
Not bad right?!
This is how the first 2 days go:
Can you handle Day 3?! It seems totally do-able right?!
We can do it!
Ready, set, DETOX!!!
Sugar Free,
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