Chances are, you ate whatever you wanted during Thanksgiving. Now the holiday is over, and it’s time to GET BACK ON TRACK! Here are the tips that are going to help you fight the bulge.
- Don’t wait till Monday to start working out again. You could have 3-4 days to work off the extra calories you gobbled up.
- Get your cardio on! Cardio is a great way to get your internal furnace fired up.
- Hit The weights. Weight training allows you to burn calories up to 5 hours after you are done working out.
- Get the holiday food OUT of your house. Only keep the healthy leftovers in your house. This will keep you from snacking on them until they are gone.
- Stay away from the sugars! Sugar takes 2 days to filter out of your body. If you ate a high sugar dessert during thanksgiving then give yourself 2 days. If you give into the sugar cravings then you will start the sugar cravings all over again.
The holidays are a wonderful time of year to see family and friends. However, eating foods that you don’t usually eat can cause excess weight gain that you don’t want to see all year long. Get yourself back on track as soon as possible to avoid the holiday bulge.
Adria Ali
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