While everyone has probably already made their fitness New Year’s Resolutions there’s a few that we (as trainers) would prefer you made. If they aren’t on your list, then you should be checking it twice and possibly adding these or making some changes. These are what your trainer wished your New Year’s resolutions were!
The 80 / 20 Rule
80, 20 refers to your food intake. While trainers wished it was more of a 90, 10 it’s most reasonable to say that you will eat clean healthy meals 80 percent of the time and 20 percent off your clean eating plan. If you break this down it’s 5.6 days of clean eating per week.
Build Lean Muscle
Muscle is the fountain of youth. This is due to the fact that lifting weights releases the MOST amount of the youth hormone known as HGH (Human Growth Hormone). HGH keeps your skin soft and flexible, keeps your metabolism high, and allows your body to regenerate cells to build muscle.
Track Your Progress
If you don’t write it down how will you know how far you’ve come. You can’t base it on the mirror alone so make sure you are measuring often (every 2-3 weeks) and taking comparison pictures. Don’t depend on others to give you positive feedback. Let your clothes and the measuring take do that for you.
Record Your Food
This is hands down one of THEE most important things to a good trainer! Tracking your food intake not only helps you lose inches it also set you up for lean muscle mass. Logging your food isn’t just about how much you are eating, it about what your not getting enough of. Do you know how much protein you eat? How much fiber you intake or how much water you are drinking? All these are important to long term success. If you want to join in all the fun, find us “Fittipdaily” on the app “Myfitnesspal.” Add us as your friend and we will cheer you on!
Reward Your Goals
While trainers can’t exactly pay their clients, we would love it if you could! Why not set up a goal based saving jar? Every time you workout, you place one dollar in the jar. When the jar hits 100.00 go out and buy yourself a new outfit. If you can wait longer, use the jar for your next vacation. By the time you’ve saved enough you’ll be leaner and healthier.
Cut Down on Alcohol
These hidden calories are a trainers worst nightmare. They do absolutely nothing for your body. Using them to unwind and relax leads to extra inches, extra pounds and they drain the most important mineral of all, MAGNESIUM. Every time you have a drink your body DUMPS magnesium. This mineral is the key to belly fat loss. It’s also important for sounds sleep, stress control, and brain function. With less and less magnesium you will be a person who’s stressed, not sleeping well, foggy and gaining belly fat! Stop the insanity!!
Now that you know what your trainer would recommend, what do you think!? Are any of these already on your list for fitness New Year’s Resolutions? Comment on this article and let us know what you are doing to make 2015 your year for a healthier you!
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