If you think you have tried everything to burn extra calories, then maybe it’s time to change up your routine and increase your calorie burning. As trainers, we know that adding “power” moves to a clients routine has the ability to rev up their metabolism. However, not many people know what “power” moves are OR how to integrate them into their routines. Power moves stimulate the muscles in a different way; amp up your routine for fast results.
“New evidence shows that explosive — or faster — muscle contractions use more energy than slow contractions, even when the amount of weight lifted is the same. What does this mean? Well, more energy used equals more calories burned, so you can increase weight loss from exercise by adding accelerated reps into your existing routine. For example, when doing squats, lower yourself down to the squat position slowly and then quickly raise yourself back up. Even better? Try jump squats (credit).”
*Trainer TIP– NO this doesn’t mean do your weight lifting fast !!! There should ALWAYS be a controlled movement.
When integrating power moves into your routine … try doing a stable exercise such as a dumbbell chest press followed by a power chest move such as push up or medicine ball chest toss.
Chest Wall Toss (partner toss)
Lunge Jump With A Twist:
Start off in a normal lunge but move the arms ( Elbow extended ) and hands to a position in front of the body and then to the side of the leading leg. Upon jumping up change leading legs and the arms accordingly. As mentioned before, a good exercise to help develop not only explosiveness but also your core stabilization muscles.
Squat Jumps
These are just a few power moves that can increase your calorie burning. Try adding them to your routine. These simple tips will have huge impact on your calorie burning!!
Adria Ali
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