Pyramiding in workout routines isn’t a new thing. However, very few people know how to do it. The best thing about this workout routine is that you can go at your own pace and make progress in your own pyramid every week.
This particular fit tip shows the pyramid exercise routine using pull-ups and push -ups. If you detest either of these or your don’t have the equipment, then chose another exercise to use instead. If you want to work different parts of your body then pick 2 exercises that address those muscles and flip them back and forth in this routine. Heck you could do this for all the muscle groups in your body!
If you are a women and you think that this is a workout mainly for men, then you are sorely mistaken! If your goal is fat loss you must push your body. With extra drive and motivation you’ll flip your dormant metabolism into a calorie burning machine. That SHOULD be your goal. Don’t just lose weight, change your fat into lean muscle so you can keep that weight off and look years younger!
Adria Ali
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