I heard about oil pulling after a friend mentioned that her naturopath recommended she do it every morning. This conversation came about because I noticed that her teeth were several shades brighter. When I asked if she had bleached, she said "no but I have been doing oil pulling and … [Read more...]
The Oldest Hamburger – 14 Years Old and Still Hasn’t Rotted
We all know that fast food isn't good, but how bad is it!?? In this clip from "The Doctors," they revealed how this 14 year old burger looks as though it's not more then a day old. I don't know about you but after watching this clip, I had a whole new take on fast food. Take a look at the … [Read more...]
5 Of The Germiest Things That Could Be Making You Sick
Flu season isn't over yet and germs don't take vacations. In order to protect yourself we thought we'd inform you on the 5 most germiest things and places and things to avoid!! Scroll through the slides and adjust your actions accordingly to stay healthy. [cincopa … [Read more...]
Fecal Matter In Your Pre-Rinsed Salad
When we buy produce at the market in the U.S. we tend to assume that it's safe for us to eat. Sure, we wash it before eating if it isn't packaged, but what if the produce you consumed already claimed to be clean and ready to eat? One of our favorite sites Fit Sugar, wrote an interesting article … [Read more...]
Fit Tip – Cover Your Tooth Brush
Being healthy isn't always about what you eat and how much you exercise. Avoiding unwanted germs can also play a factor in keeping you healthy on a daily basis. One of the most common mistakes made in the bathroom is keeping your toothbrush uncovered. This may seem like a … [Read more...]