If you're working out hard and trying to stay lean at the same time it's important to take the right supplements to prevent "muscle wasting." Without the correct supplementation you fall victim to the "yoyo" affect of losing muscle while you're trying to gain more definition. I've … [Read more...]
The Supplement That Could Change How You Burn Fat – Glutamine
No one wants fat, however, not many are watching how their body stores muscle. Lean body plays a huge role in how your body burns calories and fat. Too much emphasis is placed on the scale and very little is placed on body fat percentages and overall muscle mass. As a woman in the fitness … [Read more...]
The Right Protein Shake For The Allergy Prone
I have tons of food sensitivities and allergies. As with most people, if you are in tune to your body, you have a few of your own. If you can't seem to find a good protein shake for your needs, then it's time you looked into a brown rice protein shake. It's gluten free, dairy free, soy … [Read more...]