If you haven’t started reading “The 4 Hour Body,” Then it’s time you start! The book is not only hilarious, its also chalked full of information that Tim Farris has tested for years on himself! This real life fitness Guinea pig also gives a detailed list on what to buy and when you should take it.
This is genius marketing! If you have time, watch the video!
[pro-player width=’500′ height=’253′ type=’video’]http://youtu.be/LIVmsIJyj3A[/pro-player]
This group of 4 Supplements is one of the keys to this diet. I have been taking them for about 2 weeks now and I have noticed a HUGE change in my energy level, weight loss, and overall well being. My personal body temperature went from ice cold (My usual sluggish metabolism) to actually getting hot (a sign of increased calorie burning).
Ingredient Amount Why It Works pAGG All Day™ Alpha-Lipoic Acid
100% R-ALA150mg Store calories in muscles and liver instead of fat cells
Recent studies suggest ALA helps blood sugar get stored as muscle glycogen rather than fat by increasing GLUT-4 recruitment to the surface of skeletal muscle cells.
Important: R-ALA is seen scientifically as a much higher quality and higher potency ingredient than standard ALA which is a 50/50 mixture of organic and synthesized ALA substrate.Aged Garlic Extract
with high Allicin Potential200mg Increase your heart health
Cholesterol management with high bio-availabilityDecaffeinated Green Tea Flavanols (EGCG) 650mg
Yielding 325mg EGCGKill off old fat cells
Inhibits fat storage and programs old fat cell death and inhibits the formation of new fat cells (to keep from bouncing back in weight after diet)Biotin 100mcg Helps you maintain energy levels.
Plays a vital role in the metabolism of protein, carbohydrates and fats. Has been included to counteract the suspected Biotin-blocking effects of the ALA ingredient
pAGG Night Time™ Policosanol 25mg Reduce your body-fat while you sleep
Lowers LDL (bad) and raises HDL (good) cholesterol while lowering body fatR-ALA 150mg See Above Aged Garlic Extract 200mg See Above Biotin 100mcg See Above Click here to see the nutrition label
How Often Do I Take pAGG?
pAGG Should be taken as directed below:
- 1 pAGG All Day™ Tablet– 15 min before any meal (3 times per day)
- 1 pAGG Night Time™ Tablet– before going to sleep (1 time per day)
Is pAGG Right for Me?
This pAGG Supplement formula is endorsed by the #1 selling Health and Fitness book The 4-Hour Body (New York Times Best Seller List), and combines ingredients promoted by fitness magazines, universities, and scientific studies for their fat-burning potential.
If your goal is to lose fat and inches (not just weight) and you are looking to take your fitness to the next level – pAGG is for you.
Unfortunately for me, I bought each individual pill and take them seperately. Now that I know there is an all in one pill (probably created by Ferris’s supplement company, I will be buying that instead! I will be doing a whole review of the book in the coming weeks. However, I do suggest that you buy the book and start taking the supplements as you read. This will give you a jump start on your weight loss and the energy you need to get off the couch!
Adria Ali
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