No one intends on getting totally trashed, then waking up in a fog that could take days to wear off. While drinking may have it’s highs, it definitely has tons of lows. The worst of those lows is being hungover. In the younger years, it was easy to bounce back from a heavy drinking night. However, as the years go on it becomes harder and harder to pull yourself back together. While I never encourage binge drinking, I do realize that everyone is human, and things happen Using this natural cure could not only help you bounce back from a hangover, it could also help you avoid them!
I’ve written about the MANY benefits of Magnesium before, but in this article we will point out why magnesium plays a vital role in recovering from, and preventing hangovers.
How magnesium works with alcohol
“Alcohol depletes a broad range of vitamins, amino acids, fatty acids, enzymes, proteins and minerals from your body. The kingpin to this depletion is magnesium which is the anti-stress mineral that most people with a hangover are deficient in. This mineral regulates over 800 enzyme actions in the body.”
Fitness Tip: You should be taking magnesium EVERY day since almost everyone is deficient in this supplement. This is due to over processed foods, toxins in the environment, stress, and many other factors. Take it at night before bed since it tends to relax the system.
“Magnesium prevents platelet aggregation, which helps to avoid the thickened blood and tiny clots that can cause blood vessel spasms and the pain of a tension headache and hangover (source).”
When you drink any alcohol, your body literally dumps magnesium into the blood stream to help protect the body from this foreign poison, AKA, alcohol. If you are a daily drinker, chances are your magnesium is actually chronically low. If that’s the case you could fall victim to many of the things associated with low magnesium such as….
*Headaches / Occasional Migraines
*Muscle Spasms
*Belly Fat
*Restless Sleep or Not Sleeping Enough
– These are just to name a few.
Other Reasons for Hangovers – Build Up Occurs
When alcohol breaks down in your system it creates acetaldehyde. This enzyme breaks down ethanol in your liver. Acetaldehyde is a lot more toxic then ethanol.
“Acetaldehyde dehydrogenase and glutathione to break down the acetaldehyde (source).”
If you pace yourself, your body can keep up with this break down process and use the natural enzymes. If you start getting crazy, your body can’t keep up and the glutathione stores become overhwlemed. At this point the body begins to become toxic, while acetaldehyde becomes more potent in the body.
If you know you’ll be doing some heavy drinking, try taking 1 or half of a slow release magnesium before you go out. Then before you go to bed make sure you take another 1 – 2 tablets. The brand I recommend is the best one I’ve found and it won’t create some of the negative side affects such as the laxative affect from other brands.
This can be found in the Fit Tip Store
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