Coke has always been a sample in American history. Within decades it was no longer just American drinking Coke, and it spread world wide. While Coca Cola has different carbonation and sugar content in different parts of the world, the general flavor and taste is the same. I’ve heard many stories about how you can clean engines parts with coke, clean your fireplace, your toilet and many other house hold chores can be accomplished with this historical drink. However, if it can clean the impossible, what is it doing to our bodies!? In the info graphic below, you will see what happens to your body within 60 minutes of drinking a coke. Who would have thought that all of this could happen to your body in an hour and how the recipe behind coke can evoke an almost heorin like reaction.
What happens to your body within 60 minutes of drinking a coke ?
10 Minutes – 10 Teaspoons of sugar hit the system you don’t vomit because phosphoric acid cuts the overwheling taste of sugar
20 Minutes – Blood sugar rises quickly which turns up yout insulin. The liver goes into overdrive and responds by changing every possible sugar particle into fat.
40 Minutes – Caffine has now been completele absored. Your blood pressure rises, your pupils dilate, and then your liver dumps even more sugar into your blood stream. As a result, your normally drowsy reaction to sugar is now blocked.
45 Minutes – The pleasure center of the brain increases dopamine. This reaction is similar to heroin, FYI.
60 minutes – The acid in the soda binds to calcium, magnesium, and zinc in your interstinal tract. This provided even more of a metabolism boost. This reaction pushes calcium out of the body (hello osteoporosis).
60 Minutes – Your body begins to push out all fluids. This help you shuttle out your precious calcium, magnesium and zinc. With those minerals you also lose sodium electrolytes and water.
60 Minutes – Next comes the crash. As your body calms, the sugar crash hits. You become tired, sluggish and possibly angry. By now you’ve pushed out all the Coke. Along with precious minerals, water and electrolytes. Finally, you’re dehydrated, you’ve robbed your teeth and bones of calcium, and your tired and cranky. Your bodies enitial reaction, drink another.
Forget the weight gain, think of the long term affects on your teeth and bones. With every sip, the acid is robbing the body of things it needs to sleep well, concentrate and pump your heart (Magnesium). This triple combination, calcium, magnesium and zinc is also the main component to control the stress hormone known as cortisol. Without these minerals, the cortisol levels rise. This leads to belly fat, high stress levels and the inability to concentrate. High cortisol levels (lower mineral levels) can also contribute to an ADD type of thought process. So if someone is addicted to soda and seems to have trouble concentrating, it could be a lack in these VERY important minerals.
Whoa! We knew it was bad, but who would have guessed all these things that drinking a coke can do to you within 60 minutes. Seeing as how soda has become more and more prevalent for younger generations, it’s easy to see how people can become addicted. Not to mention that when the sugar rush hits, people reach for another just to feel normal. This vicious cycle becomes a horrible contributor to weight gain. If you are a soda drinker, maybe this will make you think twice before you reach for your next beverage.
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