Type “A” personalities can be great for achieving your goals in education, in work, and in daily life. When it comes to fitness this could be the death of your weight loss routine and your healthy eating plan. Being somewhat of an over achiever myself, I know what kind of damage this can do to your body. The “all or nothing approach” can send you into yo-yo dieting and sporadic exercise routines. Sure motivation plays a part in how consistently you follow your routine .. however, if you try to apply perfection to something that is a daily routine then you are sure to hit a road block now and then. These road blocks can then send you into a tail spin causing all your positive efforts to go down the drain. Don’t let your health be part of this domino affect. Find ways to balance your life, your eating, and your fitness. Sometimes this can mean using rules to keep you sane without eating that box of cookies…. Ways to Keep The Over Achiever On Track
* If you mess up, get back on track THAT DAY. Your going to have set backs! Don’t let these set backs ruin your whole day, week, or month. Get back on track right after you fall off the wagon!
* Allow yourself “rest days.” It’s great to have a routine but allow yourself some days of rest. These days allow your body to recover and give you time to catch up on your daily tasks and chores.
* Do positive “self talk.” For all the negative things that people have said to us in the past or while growing up; it’s important to not let those saying echo in your head, in your own voice. ALWAYS BE POSITIVE. Don’t be responsible for breaking yourself down.
* Stay prepared. Carry protein bars in your purse, stock up your desk draw with healthy treats, plan out your workout days. Put yourself first! If you don’t, who will?
* Take Your Calcium. Calcium lowers your stress hormone and helps you to lose body fat. It also aids in sleeping and muscle function.
Take these tips to heart and apply them on a regular basis. When it comes to health and fitness you don’t have to be perfect, you just have to be consistant! Adria Ali
queenangel says