Celebrity Gwyneth Paltrow has taken her eating to the extra by doing various detox diets and “clean eating” programs. However, it’s hard to keep track of what she’s really eating. So, she has actually created her own website which educates you on how to raise your children, what to eat, and how to run your life. Since I don’t care to hear about how to raise kids and all that other fun stuff, I zoned in on her eating. Most people would kill to have a figure like hers. While other might think she’s on the overly thin side or just using the New York detox. Here’s an inside peak at what a day in the life of Gwyneth Paltrow.
The actress has revealed the rather depressing details of her gruelling detox programme on her website Goop.
She uses regular emails from the site to educate her fans about her views on raising children, her favourite hotels, relationships and recipes.
The 36-year-old mother of two decided to start the Clean programme after gaining several pounds while on a ‘majorly fun and delicious relax and enjoy life phase’.
She has also undertaken daily meditation and skin-brushing sessions, massages, and hot and cold baths to try and rejuvenate her skin.
Miss Paltrow has even created her own set of menus for the programme, which she has put in her emails (source).
Although I actually agree with a lot of the foods that Gwyneth cuts out of her diet (dairy, processed foods, wheat, sugar); it doesn’t seem like she is eating enough calories to stay alive. Eating clean doesn’t mean you have to starve yourself.
Adria Ali
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