Feeling deprived while on a diet or healthy eating plan is weight loss suicide. The first week of eating healthy is a war between your mind and your body as you struggle to detox all the bad processed foods and sugars from your body. As time goes on the urge to eat bad follows you through your office, at restaurants, and social events. While some win, others may fail which could lead to an internal mental dialect that’s full of self pity and hatred. Stop hating and envying that co-worker or friend that’s always “naturally skinny,” and use this tool to be that person.
How To Avoid Feeling Deprived:
The key to losing weight and fighting deprivation while on your diet is in your hands. It’s all about self talk. Your matto should ALWAYS be ” I CHOOSE not to eat that.” Feeling deprived comes from within, if you think you are missing out on the fun or you CAN’T have something; that’s when you rebel and those feeling of loss kick in.
So what happens if you CHOOSE to eat something you aren’t supposed to? Then you get back on track, avoid the negative self talk, dig your heals in and make the right choices next time.
This rule of thumb in my personal training career has helped hundreds if not thousands of my clients lose weight. For them, feeling that it is a choice to eat healthy and exercise verses a life full of disease, depression, and self hatred helps even the worst over eater achieve clarity and control their compulsions.
If this is something you personally struggle with start to weigh the pros and cons. You could CHOOSE not to eat that burger, or you could CHOOSE to inhale it and hate yourself later. While this tactic is simple at heart it takes A LOT of practice. However, once you begin to make the right choices one by one, it creates a domino affect. Soon, choosing your health over your demise becomes empowering. You forget that you are on a diet all together and you realize that being obese and over weight was merely and mental state that needed tweaking.
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Adria Ali
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