The average person in the 1920’s burned between 5- 6,000 calories a day! Now with our sedentary life styles women burn between 1600- 2,200. OUCH! Since our environments have changed, then so should out lives and food intakes. SO what’s the solution???
Try this fitness tip: If you are working at a desk all day, then calculate how many hours you sit at work. For every 4 hours of sitting you do, add an extra hour of movement. So if you work 8 hours sitting, then you owe 2 hours of moving. This moving can be of any kind…. doing laundry, going shopping, going to the gym etc.
Although this system seems lenient for some… for others, this is a true challenge. If this is easy for you, try adding an hour of movement for every 2 hours that you sit. Later on, you can split your movement; do 1 hour of sitting to 1 hour of movement.
This is a simple way for you to increase you activity in a healthy and fun way!
Adria Ali
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