The newest craze in fitness is kettle bells. If you are familiar with the weights, they basically a ball with a handle. Each bell ranges in weight and is used for explosive exercises. I was shocked to read as the LA Times bashed the celebrity trainer, her for and her credentials.
According to the article, Jillian’s fitness background is limited. She does have 2 certifications ( (National Exercise & Sports Trainers Assn. and Aerobics and Fitness Assn. of America). However, they claim she is merely an actress playing the role of a fitness professional.
Since kettlebells are used in explosive weight training they allow the body to burn tons of calories. Her new video states that you will lose 5 pounds a week training with kettlebells. This is a pretty courgeous statement! In order to lose 5 pounds a weeks you would have to be burning 17,500 calories above and beyond your calorie intake.
I have read numerous articles that state that Jillian’s form during this videos is completely wrong. Using heavy weights and doing exercises like these can lead to some serious injuries!
If you as the readers have lost 5 pounds a week using this video, we would love to have you write in! If you love this workout DVD write in as well, and let us know what you think.
Adria Ali
rosalyn smith says
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