If you didn’t see this already, new research has surfaced saying that women over 40 MUST workout for at least an hour a day to ward off fat! This research was based on 34,079 middle-aged women followed for about 13 years. These women were not on calorie restricted diets. Over the course of the 13 years the women gained an average of 6 pounds!
This study was only preformed on women. In my field I hear the majority of my older women say ” I just hit a certain point in my life and the weight started packing on.” Weather it was from their last pregnancy, their sedentary job, or lack of exercise; this is the negative affect of age combine with low hormones and decreased muscle mass.
To make sure this isn’t you there are some very simple things you can do! Watch what you eat, get your exercise, and keep your muscle mass up with weight training exercises. Muscle is the true foutain of youth and metabolism saver.
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