My mom and I joke that we are the type of women that were meant to be out "pulling the plow in the fields." We were blessed with strong broad shoulders. While this Norwegian trait seems like a blessing (in the 1920's), today it's could be considered a main factor in an "unbalanced body." This … [Read more...]
We LOVE It – The “Stretch Strap”
People avoid stretching for the mere fact that they don't make time, and they view it as more work! However, without the right stretching routine you can fall victim to muscle imbalances, poor posture, back problems, knee problems and tons of joint pain. I have found a way to help clients stretch … [Read more...]
Running Can Actually Help Strengthen Your Knees
This research changes the age old myth that running is bad for your knees. People in the gym have a huge fear of running. I also thought that this wasn't a good thing for knees. However, this research from Stanford published in 2008 puts all our minds at ease. It followed middle-aged, longtime … [Read more...]
Knee Pain?? Solve It With These Helpful Tips
One of the most common complaints at the gym is definitely knee pain. I would say at least 60% of my clients come to me with this complaint on their very first session. The main culprit is their desk job. Over the years we have been confined to sitting in an office or a cubicle. This seated … [Read more...]