The hit series "Despaired House Wives," is full of drama and beauty. Eva Longoria is known for her flawless, curvy figure. However, Eva doesn't take her role on the show lightly. Her workout routine is hard work. It's always nice to know that people who you assume to be "naturally thin," are … [Read more...]
Hollywoods Addicted To “Krank-ing”
Leave it to celebrities to find fitness devices that provide results! The pressure of society, the cameras and the red carpet always send them looking for the newest fitness craze. "Kranking" has hit Hollywood and some of the biggest stars are hooked on the new device. Check out this … [Read more...]
Inside Jennifer Garner’s Workout Plan and Eating Routine
Seeing stars on tv can be deceiving. We tend to think that they are just "naturally" good looking. In reality, celebrities work hard to keep their figure in tack. Jennifer's workout routine, and eating routine show America what it really takes to be "fit!" "The goal: Lean down … [Read more...]