Working out 5 times a week and haven’t lost an inch? Counting calories and the scale hasn’t budged? Stressed out because you are doing everything right to get fit and nothing to show for it?!! Prepared to snap at the smallest thing because you have been deprived of your favorite sweets and treats? Ready to drown your sorrows with a movie and a gallon of mint chocolate chip ice cream? On the verge of a mental breakdown because being fit is impossible?
When I encounter these obstacles with clients I immediately FLIP THE FOCUS and sure enough it works every time! Shifting the focus is definitely not an easy process but the benefit will be well worth the suffering. In order to flip the focus slowly take them away from a lose mentality to a gain mentality. We stop thinking about losing weight, inches, and body fat and begin to focus on things that are being gained along this frustrating process. Things gained like learning new exercises. Pointing out personal records in the weight room. Positives like stumbling across some healthy food options that you genuinely enjoy. Gains like figuring out that you are actually dedicated this time and not yo-yoing.
One of the most common traits in successful people is the ability to visualize. Once you can envision yourself in your perfect body you will have undoubtedly taken a giant step toward achieving your goal. Having your mind in the right place as you work to accomplish your goal is the most important thing you can do for yourself. Once you can flip your focus, your mindset will have changed and your body will absolutely follow suit!
How long will you keep working at your goals??? …UNTIL you achieve them!
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