It may be Christmas Eve but the giveaways are still coming!! The best part is that they don’t end till after the New Year, so you will have plenty of time to enter. You can also enter each and every day for more chances to win!!
Day 2 of the giveaway is “Walk A Bike” this inventive contraption allows you to walk, jog or run with your bike for as long as you can or to any location. If at any time you get to tired, you can just hop on your bike and ride back.
This is a great tool for fitness enthusiasts that want to challenge themselves, or beginners who need that extra little push to get them going.
It’s a great motivator for the person starting a fitness walking program. Walking is a low impact exercise for toning your stomach muscles. It is also excellent for the avid walker who wants to increase their fitness walking exercise to the max 5, 10, or more miles.
For seniors walking is a fitness program that’s easy to stick with when looking to get in shape (fitness source).
How Does Walk A Bike Work? Watch The Video
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– Oprah Winfrey
Jolanda, The Netherlands
My doctor has advised me to get more exercise.
What I love about my walk-a-bike is I can walk for miles away from home and then enjoy my ride home to cool off on my bike. Thank you walk-a-bike for this great product.
Frank, Pensascola Florida
Spread the Holiday Cheer and share these fitness giveaways with your friends and family on facebook, twitter or our share link above
Alicia says
melissa says