To get your legs in shape for summer, try out this Low Lunge. Lunges are the ultimate leg exercise since they target so many problem areas. So, if you’re stuck with out a gym, and without weights use this exercise to get your legs fired up and lean.
This unusual version of lunges is a favorite of many of my clients for a number of reasons. First, because the feet are closer together than in traditional lunges, this can offer a bit of knee protection, especially if you have flexibility problems in the quads or hip flexors of the back leg. Second, this move has a smaller range of motion – you start at the bottom and only come halfway up which adds intensity without too much stress on the joints. Last, it’s different and different is always good.
Do it right: Take one foot forward and one foot back, about 2 feet apart. Hold weights in each hand and bend the knees, taking the weight towards the floor. The torso should be bent over the thigh (back straight) and the weights should be on either side of the front foot. This is the start of the movement. Keeping the abs engaged and the shoulders back, push into the front heel and lift up about halfway. Lower back down and repeat for 1-3 sets of 10-16 reps (source)
This is an excellent move for people who are just starting out, OR sit a lot. Most people struggle with traditional lunges because of muscle stiffness (typically from seated jobs). It is imperative that you keep you back flat. If your lower back becomes strained then you will know that you posture is not correct. To get a more accurate picture of your form; use a mirror.
Adria Ali
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