Every trainer has their favorite fitness gadget. From the stability ball to the medicine ball, fitness professionals always have one thing that they can’t live without. So what are some of their favorites and the reasons they love them??? If you are looking to stay on track with the help of some devices and gadgets then see what the pros recommend.
Lets start with me! If I could choose any device it would be the Bodybugg. The bodybugg helps keep people in the “know” by tracking how many calories they burn. Up until the Bodybugg was created, people were using mathematical equations to guess the amount they were burning. Everyone is different, so why should we use the same equations for everyone?
I have seen this device change peoples lives for the better. It also comes with it’s own computer system that helps you track how many calories you are consuming.
Pete McCall
San Diego-based trainer and exercise physiologist with the American Council on Exercise
Recommendation: Heart rate monitor
Heart rate monitors are good for someone just starting to exercise because it helps them be much more effective with time. And they’re pretty user-friendly.
If you’re training to improve your base level and build endurance, you want to train at a lower level and not over-train. To make sure you’re working at an aerobic level, do a talk test — exercise at a fast pace, and say something relatively short, like the Pledge of Allegiance. When you can no longer say it effectively, note what your heart rate is. That would be the crossover point from working at an aerobic level to an anaerobic level, or from burning fat as a fuel source to burning carbs. Let’s say your crossover point is 120. Once you establish that, you know where the high end of your aerobic level is.
Gina Lombardi
Los Angeles-based personal trainer
Recommendation: Vibration plate
I’ll ask someone to keep their legs straight and touch their toes and they can’t do it, but they’ll get on the vibration plate for 30 seconds and they’ll be able to do it. Most people are inflexible in their hamstrings and lower back. I’ve also had people get on there and do fairly easy yoga poses and it tremendously increases their flexibility.
I recommend using it just twice a week to start and beginning on a low frequency — don’t do it with every workout because you have to get used to it. Ideally you should first try it with a trainer who knows how to use the machine. The most obvious improvement people usually see is in flexibility. Second is strength. I had one female client who couldn’t do one regular push-up after weight training for a couple of months. After I put her on the platform, she could do 10 push-ups after one week. Women are always the underdogs when it comes to upper-body strength, so it’s nice to get the upper edge.
Studies have shown that people who used the plate increased their power output and their strength. That’s huge, and it can apply to the average Joe who goes into the gym and wants to get more flexible and strong. Just by doing a few 30- to 60-second intervals on the platform they’re able to increase their strength and power, and it gives them that instant gratification that everyone wants.
Ramona Braganza
Los Angeles-based personal trainer and member of the Gold’s Gym Fitness Institute
Recommendation: Pedometer
Pedometers are great — they not only track your steps, but some also log your miles and have an auto reset and will count your steps for seven days.
I think they work so well for losing weight and getting in shape because if you wear it all day long, from the minute you get up, you’ll probably reach your goals. And if you don’t, it will motivate you to walk your dog in the evening to get in some extra steps. I’ve handed them out to the crew when I’m working on a movie set. Often they’ll stand around all day and look at the craft service table, and this way I feel like I’m helping them out because it’s a fun way to introduce fitness into people’s lives (source).
So what’s your favorite fitness gadget? Write in and let us know what our other readers might be missing out on!
Adria Ali
Queenangel says